C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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282 lines
/** ansisys.c
* (C) Copyright 1985 Don F. Ridgway
* All rights reserved.
* This program may be copied for
* personal, non-profit use only.
* This is an original and unique C programming
* language header/function file to #include with
* your C programs to give them "smart" cursor
* control and eye-catching "turtlegraphics"-
* type screen and graphics display qualities.
* Programmed by:
* Don F. Ridgway
* Owner & Chief Programmer/Analyst
* A-1 IBM Programming & Training Service
* 119 Plantation Ct., Suite D
* Temple Terrace, FL 33617-3731
* Ph: (813) 985-3342 (10:00 am - 2:00 pm EST)
* Written, compiled & tested in Microsoft C,
* ver. 2.03, and Lattice C, ver. 2.15, under
* PC-DOS 2.1 on a Compaq w/640Kb RAM & 8087, using
* the TURBO Pascal 3.0 screen editor. (260+ lines.)
* NOTE: To utilize these macros you must have: (1) The
* ANSI.SYS file that came with your PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.xx
* operating system on your boot disk and, (2) you must boot
* up with a CONFIG.SYS file on that boot disk which
* contains the statement: DEVICE = ANSI.SYS. This loads
* the ANSI.SYS device driver into DOS at bootup time. The
* operating system searches (for) CONFIG.SYS before it looks
* for an AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Please refer to your DOS
* Reference Guide under "ANSI.SYS" and "COPY" for details.
* (Simply, at A> prompt on a boot diskette, type:
* <F6><cr>
* and then reboot and you're ready to go! Small bother
* for the brilliant performance gained in your C programs--
* just have these two files, ANSI.SYS and CONFIG.SYS, on
* your boot disk whenever you boot up.)
* (The diskette these programs are sent to you on is a
* PC-DOS 2.1 boot disk so you may boot up with it and run
* ANSIDEMO.EXE. Note the ANSI.SYS and CONFIG.SYS files.)
* This custom C module/header file connects the C programming
* language to the MS-DOS/PC-DOS "ANSI.SYS" device driver
* used to implement extended screen and keyboard functions.
* Like any C program, each of the following macros can itself
* become a building block for a still larger one. Note the
* evolution of WINDOW(row1,col1,row2,col2,fill,border) from
* DRAW(row1,col1,row2,col2,icon) and FILL(row1,col1,row2,col2,fill).
* Please refer to the MS-DOS/PC-DOS Reference Manual and the
* ANSI.SYS Device Driver commands for the "original" commands
* and control sequences that are here made into C macros.
* Refer to the IBM Technical Reference Manual or to the
* appendix of the BASIC Version 2 Reference for the ASCII
* Character Codes and the Extended Keyboard Function codes.
* Run the ANSIDEMO.EXE for a superb demonstration of all these
* powerful macros and C programming tools in action. The
* actual source code is included in ANSIDEMO.C, an excellent
* demonstration/introduction to the C programming language.
* Simply #include "ansisys.c" this file in your programs
* to enable the following "smart" screen and cursor commands
* to really supercharge your C programs with professional
* features that are easier, safer and more portable than
* tacked-on assembly languge routines.
* Remember that C is "case sensitive" so be sure and
* reference the following macros with CAPITAL LETTERS.
#define BEEP printf("\007")
/* 800 Mz tone for 1/4 second -- same as PRINT CHR$(7) */
#define CLEARSCREEN printf("\033[2J")
/* clears the screen and positions cursor at top left corner */
/* "\033" is Octal for "Escape" or ASCII Decimal 27 (CHR$(27)) */
/* "Escape-[" is the lead-in for the ANSI.SYS code routines */
#define CURSPOS(x,y) printf("\033[%u;%uH",(x),(y))
#define XY(x,y) CURSPOS(x,y)
/* positions cursor at x = row, y = column */
#define EOL printf("\033[K")
/* erases to end of line, including cursor position */
/* NOTE: error in DOS documentation has 'K' lower case */
#define XYEOL(x,y) printf("\033[%u;%uH\033[K",(x),(y))
/* positions cursor at x,y then erases to end of line */
#define XYWHERE printf("\033[6n");scanf("%*1c%2d%*1c%2d%*2c",&row,&col)
/* requests cursor position, device driver answers row,col--declare int */
#define CURSUP(x) printf("\033[%uA",(x))
#define CURSDWN(x) printf("\033[%uB",(x))
/* cursor up or down x-many lines */
#define CURSFWD(y) printf("\033[%uC",(y))
#define CURSBCK(y) printf("\033[%uD",(y))
/* cursor forward (right) or backward (left) y-many spaces */
#define SAVCURS printf("\033[s")
#define RECALLCURS printf("\033[u")
/* cursor position is saved for later recall via RECALLCURS */
#define CPR(x,y,z) printf("\033[%u;%uH%c",(x),(y),(z))
#define XYCHAR(x,y,z) CPR(x,y,z)
/* position cursor at x,y and print char z (using ASCII code) */
#define XCTRPRINTF(x,str) printf("\033[%u;%uH%s",(x),((80-(strlen(str)-1))/2),str)
/* on row x, center (and printf) the string str (in double quotes) */
#define CURSPOSPRTF(x,y,str) printf("\033[%u;%uH%s",(x),(y),str)
#define XYPRINTF(x,y,str) CURSPOSPRTF(x,y,str)
/* at position x,y printf the string str (in double quotes) */
#define XKREAD(x) x=0;x=bdos(1);if (bdos(11)) x=bdos(8)+128
/* extended code keyboard read, reads function keys, arrow keys, etc. */
#define XKREADE(x) x=0;x=bdos(1);if (bdos(11)) x=bdos(1)+128
/* same as XKREAD(), except this one echoes the input on the screen */
#define CHKBRK if (key==196) break
/* if F10 key was pressed, break out of loop */
#define SETSCREEN(a) printf("\033[=%uh",a)
/* set screen graphics mode */
/* 0=40x25 monochrome,1=40x25 color,2=80x25 mono,3=80x25 color, */
/* 4=320x200 color,5=320x200 mono,6=640x200 mono,7=enable word-wrap. */
#define RESETSCREEN(a) printf("\033[=%ul",a)
/* reset screen graphics mode */
/* the attributes are same as SETSCREEN(a) except 7=disables word-wrap */
#define SETDISPLAY(a,b,c) printf("\033[%u;%u;%um",a,b,c)
/* set screen display attributes and colors = (a,b,c) any order: */
/* 0 = default, 1 = high intensity, 4 = underline, */
/* 5=blinking,7=inverse,8=invisible (black-on-black),30=foreground black, */
/* 31=fore red,32=fore green,33=fore yellow,34=fore blue,35=fore magenta, */
/* 36=fore cyan,37=fore white,40=background black,41=back red,42=back green,*/
/* 43=back yellow,44=back blue,45=back magenta,46=back cyan,47=back white. */
#define HLON SETDISPLAY(0,0,1)
/* set high light (high intensity) on */
#define BLON SETDISPLAY(0,0,5)
/* set blinking on */
#define HLOFF SETDISPLAY(0,0,0)
/* set high intensity, blink (and all other display attributes) to off */
#define PROMPT(x,y,cc) SETDISPLAY(0,0,7);printf("\033[%u;%uH",(x),(y));\
/* at position x,y read inverse prompt for input cc */
#define XKPROMPT(x,y,z) HLON;XY((x),(y));printf(" \b");XKREAD(z);HLOFF
/* at position x,y read highlighted prompt for input z */
#define WINDOW(a,b,c,d,e,f) DRAW(a,b,c,d,f);FILL(a+1,b+2,c-1,d-2,e)
/* a rectangle determined by upper left-hand corner coordinates, */
/* row1 = a, col1 = b, and lower right-hand corner